Conference calls with Conference Now

Meeting Host

  1. If you are using a campus Cisco phone or Jabber, dial 3636.
    If you are away from campus or using your cell phone, dial 646-3636
  2. The meeting number is your 4 digit extension
  3. The meeting PIN is your voice mail PIN
  4. Your call is connected to the meeting

Meeting Attendee\Guests

  1. If you are using a campus Cisco phone or Jabber, dial 3636
    If you are away from campus or using a cell phone, dial 646-3636
  2. The meeting number is the host's 4 digit extension
  3. The meeting PIN is set by the host (default meeting PIN is 1234)
  4. The call is connected to the meeting

Resetting you Conference Now PIN

  1. Visit in a web browser while on campus or on VPN
  2. Login using your TCTC credentials
  3. Click on General Settings
  4. Change your PIN beside “Attendees Access Code” then press tab on your keyboard
  5. Click Save button to save your changes

Helpful Tips

  • If the host has not joined a message will play until they join.
  • If the host or anyone else gets disconnected
    • They can rejoin as a guest
      • For the host wants to rejoin as the host everyone on the call will need to end the call and the host will need to restart the meeting. Then the Guests will need to rejoin the meeting.


Article ID: 6932
Thu 6/23/22 3:17 PM
Tue 3/19/24 1:44 PM