General Arts and Sciences Related Questions from the Public

Individuals can submit questions regarding Arts and Sciences courses, programs, transfer, placement, and other general questions here.  Upon submission of your question, a member of our Leadership Team will review and get a response to you within 2 business days. Please note that our close of business is 2:00 pm on Fridays. Submissions received after that may experience delayed responses. If you are a current Tri-County student seeking assistance with a class or registration for a class, please be sure you are logged in (see top of screen) and submit one of the tickets under either the registration, advising, course credit/placement  link or the student academic concerns link. If you are faculty or staff at TCTC and are submitting a request of some kind, rather than a general question, please be sure to be logged in using the sign in at the top, and use one of the other types of requests.