Instructor Request for Re-admitting a Student to a Class

  • This request should be used by instructors to grant students permission to be re-admitted to their class when the student has either been dropped after week one for not attending a face to face class, scheduled synchronous times for synchronous-DL courses, or not completing the attendance verification activity in an on-line class.
  • This request requires the permission of the instructor and therefore should only be submitted by instructors.
  • Students can only be readmitted into their original class with their original instructor.
  • Instructors should attach any email documentation from the student who is requesting re-admittance.
  • Students seeking assistance with getting back into a class should contact their instructor immediately.
  • Any request taking place after the 2nd full week of the semester will not be approved. 
  • Instructors seeking to readmit a student who was dropped after the 2nd week of classes do not require a ticket. At this point, only the instructor can re-admit a student by going to mytctc, class management tile, final grades, and selecting admit next to the student's name in the drop down menu.