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Students or advisors can submit a request here to have transfer credit evaluated. Prior to submitting this request, please verify that the registrar's office has received and had an opportunity to process the transcript. Transcript evaluation credit's can't be entered until that has taken place.  This request would be used when a student's advising profile indicates there are outstanding courses to be evaluated, and the evaluation of those credits is necessary for course registration. For courses to be eligible for transfer credit the college must have received an official transcript containing the course, and the grade earned for the course must have been a C or higher. If you are in an advising scenario, have a copy of the transcript and need to know what course the student should take or need an override, please submit an override request.

Concerns and complaints related to learning experiences in a class can generally be resolved by communicating with the class instructor. If the student feels the issue has not been resolved after a face-to-face, outside-of-class conversation with the instructor, the next step is to complete this form. Please note: Students should submit their individual concerns and not that of a group. Parents with concerns should direct their student to submit the form. Grade disputes/appeals must be submitted no later than 20 days into the next semester.

This request should be used by instructors to grant students permission to be re-admitted to their class when the student has either been dropped after week one for not attending a face to face class, scheduled synchronous times for synchronous-DL courses, or not completing the attendance verification activity in an on-line class. This request requires the permission of the instructor and therefore should only be submitted by instructors. Instructors should attach any email documentation from the student who is requesting re-admittance. Students seeking assistance with getting back into a class should contact their instructor immediately. Any request taking place after the 2nd full week of the semester will not be approved. Instructors seeking to readmit a student who was dropped after the 2nd week of classes do not require a ticket.

Students who registered for a course while completing a prerequisite at another school must submit official or unofficial verification of their final grade (C or better) through this ticket. The grade must be submitted no later than the last day to drop as identified by the academic calendar.

This request is for staff in TCTC's Dual Enrollment Office can submit an inquiry to a department head to identify placement eligibility/request an override for a dual enrollment course.

Concerns and complaints related to learning experiences in a class can generally be resolved by communicating with the class instructor. If the student feels the issue has not been resolved after a face-to-face, outside-of-class conversation with the instructor, the next step is to complete the student concern form located in our service catalog which prompts a request to meet with  a member of our academic leadership team. If a student feels the issue has still not been resolved, the next step is to complete this form. Please note: Students should submit their individual concerns and not that of a group. Parents with concerns should direct their student to submit the form. Grade disputes/appeals must be submitted no later than 20 days into the next semester.

This ticket type should be used by students when they are seeking assistance with a schedule that has been dropped/purged, often as a result of tuition non-payment. Please note that we can only provide assistance with A&S courses. Students will need to seek assistance with their advisor or department heads for courses in other divisions. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to assistance students with getting their same original schedule, but will do what we can to help students get into courses when possible. Students will not be permitted into classes that they do not have a schedule for and never attended after the 2nd week of the semester.

Individuals can submit questions regarding Arts and Sciences courses, programs, transfer, placement, and other general questions here.  Upon submission of your question, a member of our Leadership Team will review and get a response to you within 2 business days. Please note that our close of business is 2:00 pm on Fridays. Submissions received after that may experience delayed responses. If you are a current Tri-County student seeking assistance with a class or registration for a class, please be sure you are logged in (see top of screen) and submit one of the tickets under either the registration, advising, course credit/placement  link or the student academic concerns link. If you are faculty or staff at TCTC and are submitting a request of some kind, rather than a general question, please be sure to be logged in using the sign in at the top, and use one of the other types of requests.

We love hearing from you! If you have a positive experience, kudos, or any uplifting stories to share, this is the place. Your feedback brightens our day and helps us continue to improve.

Students or advisors can submit a request here to appeal their transfer credit evaluation. This request would be used when a transfer course was evaluated and the student/advisor feels that the credit granted was not correct. For example if a course was granted SCI 101 credit, but the student believes the course should be equivalent to BIO 101. Please note that for courses to be eligible for transfer credit  the grade earned for the course must have been a C or higher. To receive direct transfer credit the course must be the same number of credit hours ( ex. BIO 101 credit which is 4 hrs cannot be granted to a transfer course that is only 3 credit hours), and the courses must be equivalent in content and difficulty level. A copy of the syllabus from the original college/course may be required to process an appeal.

Request an override from a department head when seeking permission to register for a full course, to register for a course after the add deadline, to register for a course that requires department head approval, to register for a course with pre-requisites where the pre-req was met at another institution , through AP/IB credit, or through TCTC but an error was received during registration, or other requests to be admitted to a course.

Students or Success Coaches can use this to request that an Arts and Sciences student be assigned an new Arts and Sciences advisor.